Web Design You think it, we make it. Zitux is optimizing designs to reach your clients. Great designers creating Eye Catching design.

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Web Development Zitux is developing the road way to satisfy your company and client needs. We develop programs that go beyond.

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Our Process

Zitux believes in a simple and effective creative process in which both the client and the technical team work hand by hand to obtain the best result. Our projects are develop by the following steps

Step 1 - Get to know the client and its needs

Once the client has approved our proposal we proceed with the gathering of information. The web design team in charge of your project starts gathering all the details related to the design and objective of the website. This way we ensure the project will end up fulfilling the client desires and needs.

Step 2 - First Draft

After phase 1 has been complete Zitux Web Design Team goes to the drawing boards to create a first draft. The first draft is presented to the client in approximate five working days. Ones the client has received the draft the interaction begins and our web design team is ready to receive feedback.

Step 3 - Revisions

The previously receive feedback will help Zitux Web Design Team improve the design work; this will ensure that every subsequent design draft will be better than its earlier version. Ones the draft start to shape the desires of the client we make the final adjustments to the final website draft.

Step 4 - Approve

Ones the final draft has successfully included all the improvements suggested by the client we are ready to receive the client approval. At this point all of the design specifications have been incorporated in the website.

Step 5 - Content & Other Requirements

Once we have a solid design structure to base our work with, Zitux Web Design Team start creating the site content. In this phase we receive help from Zitux Web Development Team, if necessary, to integrate all of the components requested by the client. Ecommerce, blog, forum, social network, contact form, Internal Search Engine, are some of the component that we currently offer.

All Content must be previously provided by the client

Step 6 - Test & Optimization

At this point the website seems ready to be published, but not for us. We setup security features and also test the site design and structure on Fire Fox, Internet Explorer, Opera, and Safari for compatibility issues. Zitux also search engine optimization the site for all mayor search engines. And finally verify if the site need all of the WC3, XHTML and CSS validation standards

Step 7 - Finalize

Once Zitux Team has completed all of the client requirements; the site is ready to be uploaded on the client host or Zitux Host if required. The site will also be email to the client for backup purposes.